Sunday, July 28, 2013


It's hard to feel like you've been had. Tricked. Duped. Bamboozled. Led astray....

...when you see it coming.

Besides, when you don't bring something concrete to the table, and someone else does, regardless of how what the other person is bringing, it's still "something," and for some people, that's better than nothing.

Maybe that's why it's easier, instead of looking straight ahead, to look away.

7/28/13 @ 12:33 P.M.

Photo courtesy of Hybrid Lava.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Well, I picked up another book, unplanned not too long after I picked up Sundeen's, but it didn't work out like the last unplanned pick-up did. While I think the book has its purpose, it isn't clicking with me now. With that, Imma start reading The Bourne Trilogy tonight. Since it's one of the ones that was on my initial list, it's about time to knock those joints on out.

7/20/13 @ 10:58 P.M.

Monday, July 08, 2013

Embrace The Unexpected

So I have my list of books for summer reading, and while I was reading The Great Gatsby in the bookstore, I stumbled upon a book called The Man Who Quit Money, by Mark Sundeen. It wasn't on my list; hell, I never heard of the book in my life. I was simply taking a break from reading to get up, stretch my legs and walk around for a bit before getting back to my table with not enough leg room, and it was just sitting there in a section at the bookstore.

Note: I spent three of my five vacation days in three different bookstores in three different cities. I wanted to make it a perfect 5-for-5, but I dropped the ball today and yesterday. Anyway...

...even though I have about 6-7 books already waiting on me to read, I bought Sundeen's anyway. Something was telling me to get the joint. I saw the cover, looked at it carefully, read the back cover, and just bought it on a whim.

I read that book in a day. It was that awesome.

Now I'm back to reading what was on my initial list that I came up with a while back. Hopefully, I won't get sidetracked again, but if I do and it's as dope as The Man Who Quit Money is, then I won't complain.

7/8/13 @ 10:44 P.M.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

If it was up to me...

...I'd spend my upcoming days with my feet in the sand and a book in my hands. Each day, or every other day, the book title would change. I'd fly through each one just like that. There would be nothing but time to read, and I believe that it's possible to read at a brisk pace and still take in the content at a quality level.

Well, what am I talking about? It is up to me, but since I'm not about paying that "last-second plane ticket to Miami, so I can lay on the beach and read all day" life, sitting at the house and reading with music playing in the background all day and alone in my own thoughts will have to do.

At least I won't have to be at work.

7/2/13 @ 6:10 P.M.