Engaging...the atmosphere in which I'm currently in. It's all the evidence needed to know why some vacations should never come to an end. So much peace, and just enough quiet. It's the complete opposite of chaos; 180-degrees from any type of riot...
Xctasy...the level present never seems to disappoint or fail. Anything can be done, with zero chance of your lust being derailed. It's a nice lil high, the perfect type of mix; all the ingredients are present for one to experience an unforgettable type of fix.
Opportunities...are abound the likes of which are rarely seen. It would only need to be said once, and folks will take it for exactly what it means. No hidden messages, smoke signals, or confusion. Everything is right there for the taking, with no reservation or thinking it's some type of illusion..
Temptation...runs rampant, but shit, who would have it any other way? There's something for everyone out here, whether you're straight as a pole, or swing it both ways. At this moment, everyone is cool, and all is well. No more evidence is needed, 'cause this is a story I don't need to wait for time to tell...
Intense...but not in a scream-in-your-face, curse-you-out type of way. It's the kind you gotta see for yourself, where sounds are rarely uttered, to grasp what these feelings are truly attempting to convey..
Come...the only way to know is to be in your own place, your own solitary space, maybe even in surroundings with not one, single familiar face...but it will be worth it. To let loose, and be free, with absolutely no care. It can definitely be done, and when it happens, you can truly be in paradise, and truly become 100% bare...
5/24/09 @ 1:01 P.M.
Location between 13th and 14th: written at some spot on the sand...
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