Sunday, September 27, 2009

Just Friends

Time has a way of healing all things; wounds, circumstances, and others, just to name a few. It also has a way of affecting interactions, despite what the people involved have already been through. When time ran its course, ours spent together came to an unexpected end, and with that, it's better to leave it as such, instead of attempting to merely be "just friends."

In all honesty, the concept has never made much sense to me; you know, the whole "just friends" thing. At one moment, those times were the definition of genuine, with nothing but eagerness for what the next interactions would bring. That's true friendship, when things simply flow and proceed day-by-day. Anything short of that would be no good, and when presented, the answer will simply be thanks...but no thanks.

9/27/09 @ 11:53 P.M.

Photo courtesy of restaurant Max


Unknown said...

made perfectly clear & respected...

Untouched Jewel said...

I feel like you do when it comes to the let's be friends thing after you have been with a person and then things fall apart. I've tried being friends with at least 3 exes, but because of the fact that I have long crossed the threshold of being just their friend, I can't go back to just being a friend after developing an emotional bond with that person.
It may work for some people, and then it may not. I personally think that it's nothing more than a recipe for disaster, especially when you have loved that person.