Wednesday, March 03, 2010


Rarely was a trip more anticipated than this. It wasn't because of a football game, to see some hoops, or a trip to an amusement park either. It was more than that, and even though the trip seemed long, there was no desire to come up for a breather. The mere thought of being submerged within was so strong, yet there was no concern of passing out. After all this time, a reminder was shown of what authentically good times are truly all about.

Even with that, things are in the way, which we know are too much to overcome. Unlike times past, that reality doesn't turn into anger or any other negative feelings to ponder where they're coming from. It's because a friendship, a true friendship, was established first; one that developed for years, which provided a great foundation to withstand what life tends to bring. Despite that, saying "lets just be friends" is an insult, because of all that our interaction truly means.

Someone once said "quitting while you're ahead isn't the same as quitting," and that statement rings true, especially here. And even though our interaction will be re-defined, it won't tail off, because I'll always be near.

3/3/10 @ 11:24 AM

Photo by Clifton Henri


Complex Simplicity said...

Well spoken.....

lil' miss MAKEITDEEP said...

Your words are extremely thought provoking.
Your ability to tell a story through poetry, very much fascinates me.
I've been following your blog for a short while and it really has caught my attention.
This particular piece got me, and to be honest I don't even know why lol. I'm still here, pondering your words, of course with a sense of apprehension, but still, I can't help but wonder what part of you some of these pieces come from. Your poetry always seems that deep to me.
Maybe it's more of my fascination with how you write and less of my understanding at times, but either way; you have a follower in me :)

Muze said...

brilliance as always Mr Masenda!

i've been there... sigh.

Kandia said...

I've been following your blog a couple of months and one thing's for sure, she put it ON you...whether that's mentally, physically or both. I'm just curious why an intelligent brotha like yourself is willing to settle for whatever crumbs you can get every now and then? Sounds like this woman is with someone, unavailable. I know love is sometimes complicated but this doesn't sound healthy to me. I'm wondering why you don't feel deserving of a love you can call your own? Not really looking for a response, just something I was thinking as I read your post.